Wendy Fowler

Ali Mohd Yusuf Al Marzouqi

Ali Mohd Yusuf Al Marzouqi - UAE

If you hire a friend or acquaintance to design or redesign your web site, make sure you are getting into a mutually beneficial relationship. Working with friends and relatives can be stressful, create problems and even build up resentment. Especially if you are not paying them what they feel they are worth.

Finally, if your friend, employee or acquaintance is not a professional web designer, reconsider this option. Consider the pros and cons of saving a few hundred dollars now versus hiring a professional web designer or web development company you can rely on to build your online marketing strategy. Even if it initially costs you more, it`s likely to be the best way to save money in the long term. Remember that you are not spending, you are investing in your business and you need to keep productivity at the highest possible level.

Ali Mohd Yusuf Al Marzouqi